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Google Maps is Now on CarPlay, And It’s Pretty Great

CarPlay home displaying Google Maps app icon

CarPlay home displaying Google Maps app icon

As part of iOS 12, Apple opened up Google Maps to CarPlay. Finally, we’re free of Apple Maps for navigation on CarPlay!

Here’s What Google Maps Looks Like on CarPlay

I find Google Maps on CarPlay to be as good as Google Maps as an app. In other words, it’s the same thing. The difference is CarPlay displays Maps in its own way.

Google Maps on CarPlay is unmistakably a Google product. Clean, pretty Google Sans for accent or emphasis text (titles, major inputs, etc) and Roboto for the rest. Apple Maps uses the tried-and-true Avenir font.

CarPlay displaying Google Maps app
CarPlay displaying Google Maps app, main display, daytime mode (light)
CarPlay displaying Google Maps app, main display, nighttime mode (dark)

Apple Maps vs. Google Maps, Comparison Screenshots

Google Maps on CarPlay, secondary (phone) screen, vertical display
Apple Maps on CarPlay, secondary (phone) screen, vertical display
Apple Maps vs. Google Maps on CarPlay – basic visual differences
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